Magical Herbs: Mistletoe


Let me introduce you to the world of herb magic, this time I'll be talking about mistletoe (Viscum album).

Mistletoe branch with berries

The ancient magical properties of mistletoe include magical empowerment, love, fertility, vigour and connection.

Mistletoe is known as the sacred herb of druids. The druids believed that it was especially powerful when it grew on an Oak as it empowered its magical properties. Birds would spread mistletoe as they would feed on the seeds and then spread them everywhere through their droppings. When the birds were in nesting season, this is when the mistletoe would grow on the branches of the trees.

Wear mistletoe in an amulet to protect against negativity, ill will and negative spells. Hang mistletoe within the home to protect against lightning. Use mistletoe to attract business, customers and money.

We also stock mistletoe, as well as other magical herbs!

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